Showing all 2 results

  • Real Estate Agent Safety – E-Learning Course


    Real Estate Agents face unique risks, unlike those in other professions, simply due to the nature of the job. Prepare yourself with strategies to keep both you and your clients safe! Throughout this course we will cover the finer points of tuning into your environment through situational awareness, helping you avoid a potentially violent encounter, and what to do if you find yourself in a self-defense situation.

  • Sale!

    Introduction To Handguns – E-Learning Course

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

    Interested in gaining some knowledge BEFORE you take a Concealed Carry Class?

    Then this is the class for you.

    Video-On-Demand delivery means you can watch it on any internet connected device when it is most convenient for you.

    Come to class prepared to learn, with the basic knowledge any gun owner should have.